Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dialogues w/John - nondual awakening

John Gallagher (real name) works in retail tech support, has 3 young kids, and was a charismatic Christian.   Six yrs ago he went into contemplative Christianity, doing contemplative prayer.  He has been working in nonduality for about a year, practicing deep surrender and acceptance.  This is a two month FB messaging follow-up on earlier posts "Dialogues w/John (cont) - openness, love, peace, freedom" and  "Dialogues w/John...10 wks to "absolute, stunning, perfection...". 


I had a significant falling away today.  A lot more freedom and openness felt now.  A confidence that any problems we have in our life (family, finances etc) will find a way of working out, without worrying about how.  So... it feels good.


However things "work out", it will be perfect, even if it doesn't match our expectations.  i have had lots of everything, then not, and then lots again, and then not...  It is a dance. 

Surrender and deconstructing the "I" isn't something we do to get a "better deal".  It is a more sane, peaceful and effective way to live, but it doesn't guarantee that everything will be exactly what we wanted, or what our family wanted, etc.; in fact it may be just the opposite. 

As my one Zen teacher often said "What happens to you is none of your business."  Just keep letting go, and letting go...


No need for anything... no desires to really speak of... kinda... odd! 
There is no 'spiritual' and 'not spiritual'.   Everything does have a spiritual quality….everything is held in this body... the intelligence, everything...  Much more peaceful now the little 'I' idea is nearly gone.


Christina's World by
Andrew Wyeth
Completely lost, screwed and hopeless!   Ok... it's passing now... phew.  Although it may return I suppose!   Really rough...intense thoughts and emotions.  Feeling stuck and just downright awful.  Grumpy, angry, low... worthless.... mega negativity piling on.  Not fun.

I guess it will all shake through...


Do something physical, go for a long walk(s).  If you do any workout routines, do them as much as you can.  Get into your body and exercise it with a lot of focus on your breath.


I like going for walks.  Do that a fair bit.  
Life has calmed down.


The temporary stuff is common.  As the brain makes new highways, it leaves behind debris that needs to be cleaned up.  That manifests as "intense thoughts and emotions", and "grumpyness".  After the debris is cleared away, traffic can move more freely.  (See blogpost "Why Do We Sleep?" for latest science.)


A free flow of life, with no-one to 'own' it.   But yes - 'intense', it was!!


I thought I was 'done' and then a massive dose of intensity/emotion/story just came/went last night/this am.   Able to see it for what it is more quickly now.  Very, very intense!  It can feel like you're moving backwards!


I awoke and saw clearly that I am not these thoughts or sensations or anything that is coming and going.   This is a first and I do feel different.  Stillness/peace seems to describe it.

My wife and I have had a tumultuous relationship, but I feel this flow of love towards her that I've not felt before - and it is not of my own doing.


Now you know why "stillness" so perfectly describes it.  It is a recognition that there has been a fundamental change - it's not "business as usual". 

That flow of love towards someone with whom you have a long, "tumultuous" relationship is a wonderful thing.  With it will come increasing clarity to see her as she really is, w/o stories or "past", with an unfolding and deepening of the relationship. 
John Gallagher


The change in the last few hours has been amazing.  Like going behind the scenes of life!

Everything Is.  There is no separation, as they say!
This is it, baby!


The brain is a transceiver, not a creator.  If tuned properly it transmits signals clearly; if not, garbled signals emerge.  Our cognitive neuroscience (and practices) help keep this transceiver operating as efficiently and seamlessly as possible.  If we are aligned w/Source, life dances in a magnificent way.


More opening/deepening.  I could get used to this.  I don't hate my job anymore!!


Now that's real progress.


I knew something had changed.  An openess with myself had developed which I could feel in my gut area.  Still plenty of resistance, but this felt new, different, and i somehow knew it was what i had been looking for.

The morning i spent with my wife - a mixture of peace and inner turbulence.  Throughout the day things seemed to ease off - coffee with another close friend.  Then skyped with you and realized that the 'big shift' had indeed taken place.   

The ease that now surrounds my experience is palpably different.  i stepped into a new way of being, but within the same 'life situation'.  This ease is more all-pervasive, and concurrent with the thinning out of the experience of personal identity.   Personal identity has all but disappeared.
Albert Einstein

There is "no one here" and "nothing is happening", but these are not dogmas, simply facts, when life is seen a certain way.   Not any "truer" than "life is happening", but more accurate to describe life as an illusion or a dream because of its transitory nature.

It both 'is' and 'is not'.  I Am.  I am that which is aware of and enlivens all things.  i am the source of all.  There is none beside me.  This is the truth.

This 'I' is not a personal 'I' - not the 'I' of John.  It is "The I" - the "I of ALL".  The Allness.  God.  Consciousness.  The One Life.  God, dancing as one... appearing as many...   I am a mystery!

The peace and ease are now the prevailing experience.  Thanks again for your friendship and guidance in these matters.

More freedom... and a much clearer seeing that the phenomenal all comes and goes - including thought and sensation.  There is no 'God' that is other.  I am that very God.  

Stillness... silence…
Shalom, my brother.
Maaaaan.   I Knew it would be worth it!!!   All the struggle and pain and heartache!


Shalom, indeed...There is no 'God' that is other...


Reading “Dancing Beyond Thought” made me realize that I was not established in the Self, so I laid down and an hour or so later - there is no doubt, although 'doubt' can be seen to be in the body.

Opening and deepening…greater awareness of the lack of self.  It simply is not there!  Life, however, certainly is.  

This seems to be the end of 'me'.  It feels rather joyous!  Presence more and more apparent... That sweetness that has no reason, no cause... It just is.

Still some contractions within this body...a transitional phase with more “awareness” but still some “darkness”.   Good has won and victory has been declared but some aspects are not quite up to speed yet.


Most folk have "ups" and "downs".  The ups are the brain's highway construction, the downs are its crews hauling away the debris.  

In "Dancing Beyond Thought", see p. 64.  This is the nature of the Dance for 2500 years, at least.   For the way "out", p. 26...keep looking for what doesn't change in the midst of the Dancing, even among the sadness, joy, exultation, etc.  

Even when the music seems a little faint, or off-tune, the Dance continues perfectly...


Nothing that happens has anything to do with Reality.  I get why they call it the Changeless and why Adyashanti would say that after awakening you simply don't care what happens.  So clear that all happenings, all phenomena, are just that.   They come and go, but they are not what you are.   A stunning realization.

Nothing can touch you.
This... is... the dance of the Divine.

We associate a certain feeling with divinity...but divinity includes every feeling, and no feeling.  A knowing that This is free, untouched and untouchable...Discovery of my true nature is not what I thought it would be!

The peace that passes understanding..the holy world…the kingdom. Wow, Gary. Wonder and awe.  Stunned to a silent awe...I wrote this:

      When I see you I must have forgotten My lover
      But here you are and always were, just that my eyes were dim
      Grace has befallen me and clear sight has been restored
      My heart Your heart, This is the kingdom
      The joy of joys, The dance of the divine, Here we are!
      May you know Your true beauty


Composed by no one...the dance of the Divine


The outside / inside thing just fell away... my 'non-dual awakening' when “the world turned”.  Perfect peace is here!  Totally unrelated to what is happening.  Totally unshakeable!
Definitely I can say the small self is no more.  Some hubris remains…moodiness seems to accompany this process!   


Yes, watch for hubris.  It will sneak in like Gollum from the back of the cave and attempt to grab back the Ring.  Many psychological actions/reactions remain.  If you look @ Dancing Beyond Thought on p.64, you'll see the guidance on working w/moodiness.  


A further awakening; the first felt like an awakening From something - this feels like an awakening To something.   Into fullness. Into true Life.   No resistance whatsoever.   A limitless ocean of peace.

Gary... I'm happy. For no reason
… I am happiness. Either way is fine.

Awakening to myself. True peace.   
What joy, Gary, what joy.

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