There is much interest/activity on a Theory of Everything (TOE) that argues that the "physical world" is a virtual-reality (VR) computational program.
For background on why VR is worth considering, see the VR vis-a-vis contemporary physics comparison in "10 Reasons Why Our Universe Is A Virtual Reality".
The possibility of "the world" being a virtual reality (VR) simulation is obvious if you have tried the emerging gear like Oculus Rift.
Thomas Campbell's "My Big TOE" (MBT) is one version of VR w/an 850 page book and 200+ youTube videos. (see Ron Serrano's summary on Google+). Tom's interview on BATGAP is the easiest way to get his version. The book can be read free, but it is very hard reading.
FYI, the VR scientific/mathematical work was developed by Steve Wolfram, Edward Fredkin and Mark Pesce. Much of Campbell's philosophy is from "Unified Reality Theory" by Steven Kaufman (pdf).
My Big TOE developed over 35 years by Campbell's doing out-of-body experiences and then trying to explain them, basically using his own neural system as the experimental apparatus.
Campbell claims that his model agrees w/millenia-old models and mystical experiences. While many earlier models describe physical reality as "an illusion”, Campbell describes it as “virtual”, which is a computed, data-based process.
Briefly, relativity states that “c”, the speed of light, is
constant no matter what its source does, from which both special (the relative relationship of space and time) and general relativity (the curving of space-time to create gravity) can be developed.
Quantum mechanics treats particles as probability distributions from which extremely accurate calculations can be made for many important contemporary inventions and experiments. However, no one really knows how it works.
As for “enlightened people” who seem to live without disorder, and who still function in the world of manifestation, Campbell says that they have learned to live in the larger Consciousness system beyond
the virtual reality. They let go of the physical and realize themselves as Consciousness, which is now understandable from that larger perspective.
As far as interaction, collaboration or discussion with other physicists who deal with consciousness, Campbell said he had "none". When it was published in 2003, he sent his book to people in virtual reality, artificial intelligence and physics and "I got zero back".
He also believes that as virtual reality is a probabilistic reality, intent can modify future probability, but we can't remake this reality entirely because there are lots of people here interacting.
Virtual Reality Oculus Rift |
The possibility of "the world" being a virtual reality (VR) simulation is obvious if you have tried the emerging gear like Oculus Rift.
Thomas Campbell's "My Big TOE" (MBT) is one version of VR w/an 850 page book and 200+ youTube videos. (see Ron Serrano's summary on Google+). Tom's interview on BATGAP is the easiest way to get his version. The book can be read free, but it is very hard reading.
FYI, the VR scientific/mathematical work was developed by Steve Wolfram, Edward Fredkin and Mark Pesce. Much of Campbell's philosophy is from "Unified Reality Theory" by Steven Kaufman (pdf).
My Big TOE developed over 35 years by Campbell's doing out-of-body experiences and then trying to explain them, basically using his own neural system as the experimental apparatus.
Out-of-body experience |
Campbell claims that his model agrees w/millenia-old models and mystical experiences. While many earlier models describe physical reality as "an illusion”, Campbell describes it as “virtual”, which is a computed, data-based process.
Campbell says he succeeded where Einstein failed in constructing a TOE uniting relativity and quantum mechanics by generating a theory of consciousness from which both of these can be derived. His model separates the virtual world from the universal Consciousness beyond.
Quantum mechanics treats particles as probability distributions from which extremely accurate calculations can be made for many important contemporary inventions and experiments. However, no one really knows how it works.
Campbell proposes that evolution, including that of Consciousness, occurs by actions that lower its disorder, or entropy. This is a fascinating, but unusual proposal. Consciousness is basic and does not arise from
brain functioning; the physical universe is a
subset of consciousness.
As to why our Universe exists, Campbell says that it is a “schoolhouse” for consciousness to evolve. Consciousness must evolve and grow, or dissipate, disintegrate and die. Your
disorder/entropy will naturally increase unless you are working to grow your information and increase its order.
The larger Consciousness system is digital information like 1s and 0s, and has finite potential and capacity. Without its expression as the state it is now, which is constantly evolving, there would only be potential.
The larger Consciousness system is digital information like 1s and 0s, and has finite potential and capacity. Without its expression as the state it is now, which is constantly evolving, there would only be potential.
As to what is forcing Consciousness to evolve, wrote the code, maintains the "server", and runs the programs, Campbell says that we just don’t know. We are parts of Consciousness so while we can explore it, we can’t
stand outside the system and explain it.
As the larger consciousness system evolves, Camplbell says it builds on its own information, so entropy is constantly being generated. This manifests as large amounts of disordered energy that need to be converted from higher to lower
entropy. If you’re an information system evolving creative ideas and new activities, you need to order your content which lowers your entropy and increases awareness.
Disorder and high entropy |
As to why this physical system exists, Campbell says it is a virtual reality training ground
where we interact with each other, trying to learn, lower entropy
and help the whole system to survive and evolve.
As far as interaction, collaboration or discussion with other physicists who deal with consciousness, Campbell said he had "none". When it was published in 2003, he sent his book to people in virtual reality, artificial intelligence and physics and "I got zero back".
Campbell believes that as we evolve, the larger
Consciousness system evolves and if we change, we change the field as we communicate. He also believes that growth of consciousness has to take place at the “being”
level. If it is at the "intellectual" level, it doesn’t move to the being level where growth occurs.
Tom Campbell |
As Campbell's system relies on everything that is evolving doing so w/control and free will, he was asked about "enlightened" people who say that everything is "on automatic". They claim they spontaneously act in accordance with the will of God w/o deliberation and choosing.
Campbell said that "They’re making decisions, but they’re making them at the being level, not at the intellectual level. They're not conscious of it. They just do it. It’s not a choice. You can have an intellect and thinking at the being level. You’re completely aware, you can think, but it is thinking without serving ego."
He maintains that there is confusion that physical reality is a product of
consciousness. Campbell says that Consciousness has created
this virtual reality and it appears physical and solid, but the data is
created within the larger Consciousness system. He also says that there is no
physical stuff – it is just a data stream.
There is no consciousness in a rock just like there is no
consciousness in a physical body - it is just a virtual body. The body isn’t conscious, it's just data, just information. In order to be called conscious, you have to have and
make choices and have free will to pick A or B.
That’s his definition.
When asked if a bug is conscious, Campbell replied "Yes".
Elements of Campbell's interesting VR model are questionable, IMHO:
1. His OOBE experiments are dualistic and not pure being(ness).
2. Stating that the body has no consciousness "in it", is not my experience.
3. Campbell's belief that folk living by "the will of God w/o deliberation or choosing" make many choices, but are just not aware of them is not my experience. In the nondual "being" state there is a high degree of awareness of what is manifesting in consciousness, including choices.
4. Saying that a bug is conscious by assuming it makes choices is incorrect. Bugs have sensory receptors that "automatically" initiate motor actions in response to stimuli, not by "free will". The literature on "Animal Consciousness" is clear on this.
Cognitive neuroscience has proven that free will is an illusion. Ron Serrano's link "In the beginning was the code" discusses a different VR model in which observers act as if they had free will, but "every computed by a deterministic program".
Cognitive neuroscience has proven that free will is an illusion. Ron Serrano's link "In the beginning was the code" discusses a different VR model in which observers act as if they had free will, but "every computed by a deterministic program".
5. Campbell's work needs to be evaluated by other scientists - this is a serious shortcoming.
6. Evolution being caused by decreasing entropy is a fascinating concept, but the evolutionary anthropologists that i talked to had never heard of it.
BTW1: Rich Doyle and i will do another monthly "first Sunday" SynchCast live, open dialogue on Dec 7 @ 3:00 pm EST/12:00 pm PST/8:00 pm GMT. Donations for production costs.
BTW2: i was interviewed by
BTW3: The earlier mentioned "The Timebound Traveler: How My Journey As A Seeker Came to An End" by fellow traveler/friend David Newman, which contains a chapter on our meeting ("The Blah, Blah Circuit") reached #1 on the Amazon New Age/Mysticism best seller list.
6. Evolution being caused by decreasing entropy is a fascinating concept, but the evolutionary anthropologists that i talked to had never heard of it.
BTW1: Rich Doyle and i will do another monthly "first Sunday" SynchCast live, open dialogue on Dec 7 @ 3:00 pm EST/12:00 pm PST/8:00 pm GMT. Donations for production costs.
BTW2: i was interviewed by
BTW3: The earlier mentioned "The Timebound Traveler: How My Journey As A Seeker Came to An End" by fellow traveler/friend David Newman, which contains a chapter on our meeting ("The Blah, Blah Circuit") reached #1 on the Amazon New Age/Mysticism best seller list.
There is a problem with all of this talk of "consciousness". The problem is that consciousness is something that is aware of something else. It is relative existence, no matter how subtle the relationship gets. People are mistakenly associating consciousness (relative existence) with Being/Self, which is absolute. Ramana Maharshi's teaching, and my own personal experience, is that Being is that which does not move, evolve, or change in any way. The distinction between 'order' and 'disorder' appears only upon cognitive measurement/conceptualization.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that Campbell has not spent much energy/time in/as pure Being. He has explored consciousness to a phenomenally comprehensive degree and is able to describe it very accurately, but has he BEEN what he is describing?
Hi Roy. Agree. Campbell seemed to believe that his OOBEs were "pure Being" and he was exploring Universal (nondual) Consciousness, when in fact in the book, it was apparently always a dualistic experience for him and therefore not "pure Being". It didn't feel as if he spent much/any time in "pure Being", or he wouldn't have made some of the statements he did.
thanks +Roy and +Gary :-) My experiences of awakening seem dualistic i suppose because i report about them after the fact...but maybe are not dualistic in the moment of realization. I will explore that more :-)
DeleteHi beforebelief,
DeleteYes, true nondual experiences or states cannot be reported accurately, as there is obviously no one there to record them, and no way to capture, in words, an experience which is fundamentally transcending the mind/ego/I. A good recognition on your part of this conundrum.
Hi Gary,
ReplyDeleteBased on what I've read on the subject, it would seem most if not all OOBEs and NDEs seem to be essentially dualistic in nature. What's your take on those? Especially for NDEs, which I find intriguing and difficult to dismiss given the relative commonality of the described phenomena, do you share the materialistic/neurological explanation (brain activity "flaring up" just before death)? I would very much like to know your thoughts on this from your own experience.
Hi Charles,
DeleteYes, that is my experience with OOBEs. An example was during a Zen sesshin (7 days of meditation) @ Dai Bosatsu Zendo when i found myself sitting on the roof of the zendo watching us walk around the sitting area doing walking meditation. When i discussed it w/Eido Roshi in a private meeting, he just laughed.
It was clearly a subject seeing objects, i.e. dualistic and not really experience "pure awareness". It is a very different "experience" from persistent nonduality where one is in Presence and Stillness.
Although i came very close to dying in the military, it wasn't what folk call an NDE, so i have no direct experience. What i have read on them, even the spectacular ones making the rounds now, in careful analysis done by scientific and medical folk is that they are "materialistic/neurological".
Sam Harris, in his book "Waking Up" covered in the blogpost "Waking up - secularly, scientifically, nondually, empirically", gives an extensive and very critical view of Eben Alexander's "Proof of Heaven" experience that is much talked about now.
That doesn't mean that there aren't many things that manifest in "my experience" that are inexplicable and mystical for which we currently have no explanation, but OOBEs and NDEs aren't in that category.