Saturday, June 6, 2015

Into the Stillness: Dialogues on Awakening Beyond Thought - Our New Book

As you may know, Rich Doyle and i have been doing a series of Dialogues on Awakening Beyond Thought on youTube, some of which have manifested in a new book, "Into the Stillness: Dialogues on Awakening Beyond Thought" published by Non-Duality Press in Salisbury, England/UK, near London.

How these dialogues and the book manifested are in the introduction (also a dialogue):

Rich:  So, you know, strangeness. A book has occurred.

Gary: Strangeness. A book has manifested out of thin air.

R: It’s totally unbelievable. Where did it come from?

G: Well the whole thing came out of no place as you know. It just arose in meditation that we should do some dialogues. So we started doing dialogues and they clicked.

R: And then somehow they manifest out of the stillness and it’s like a book just popped up out of the void, or out of the nothing, out of the stillness. What should people do with it?

G: Well, we’ve talked many times… the good thing about it is that it’s spontaneous. But we’ve found out that as we do this thing what emerges from each one of us moves into something that’s much larger; 1 + 1 = 3 ½ or something. So stuff that we didn’t know we knew is in this video and in the dialogues.

R: So that can happen to other people: they can pick up the book and engage in the dialogue and experience the dialogue.   And they don’t really need to begin or start anywhere in particular.

G: Any place, any page will work, any dialogue will work.  They’re equally useful… or not.

R: I even think you can start mid-dialogue, you know, just open it. It’s like the book is designed for bibliomancy…

G: Oh yes, exactly. Any place in the book will work.

R: Just dip into it, start riffing…

G: Well, we’ve talked about this idea of showing people how to do dialogue, which is something that people don’t do much anymore… given that we’re doing this (texting w/thumbs) all day long, we don’t spend much time trying to get into dialogue with somebody.

We’re just so afraid to have an open discussion without anybody feeling threatened and just let the whole thing unwind its way out.

R: Indeed, you know when I’m teaching and I talk about dialogue in the classroom, I’ve found that people think dialogue is what you do to avoid fighting. (Laughter)  Like where we get together and figure out how we can agree, and that’s not what it is! It’s an exploration.

G: Ahhhh, that’s great!

R: Isn’t that funny?

G: It is! But it is having that confidence, basically the trust in each other, and enough self-confidence and awareness to be able to just work your way through this stuff, piece by piece, and kind of feel your way into what the next thing is as it comes up.

R: And it’s practice in strengthening the “letting go” muscle because you can just let go into it, don’t try to anticipate what the other person is saying, just hear it and respond.

G: And see what comes up.

R: And when we do that it’s like a practice for filling our self with presence all the time. Just feel what the refrigerator door feels like when we open it. See what the light looks like inside. Taste what the onion tastes like when we’re cooking it. It’s the same thing isn’t it?

G: Yes, it’s a very tactile thing. It’s the feel of what it feels like to be in dialogue, to be the emptiness and just feeling something come up out of no place as the next thing to be manifested.

R: Sometimes I feel like what we’re going through is actually a re-awakening of feeling. Not feeling in the sense of an “emotion”—but that somehow we’ve been through this period where we’ve atrophied the sense of access to the flow of what comes from that no place. It’s still there, but you have to sort to look for it and use it and practice it. It’s an inner feeling? It’s the sensing of what it feels like inside.

G: Oh, totally. We’ve talked about how it’s very important in this work, since a lot of it is DIY, to get a good sense for when things feel like they aren’t working anymore; what they felt like before, and what they feel like now. Have things gotten flat? 

You can feel that in a tactile way, as you can do with this work. You can feel if you’re in honest, authentic dialogue or you can feel yourself being inauthentic. Can you feel yourself not coming out fully with what you want to say, or what is manifesting for you? Or do you hold back?

R: So by following along with our letting go, other people can learn to let go.

G: Let go of themselves… just trust the process and surrender to your Self.

R: So who wrote this book?

G: It came from no place. One of the mysteries is just how do these things write themselves? This book came out of no place. The initiative to do it just arose in meditation and we just said well, let’s do a dialogue and see what happens. You had set it up within a space of three or four days and we had found somebody to do it with and we had found a filming studio… it just manifested instantaneously.

Suzanne Winters

The book manifested through the diligent and expert transcription of Suzanne Winters, my webmaster, crisis solver, social media adviser, etc., who i've worked w/for 3 years.  It was edited by Suzanne, Rich and i and by Catherine Noyce @ Non-Duality Press.   

In the editing we tried to preserve the accuracy and feel of the original, included references, explained some "uncommon" words and did a little re-writing when the a line of exploration got

The publisher's comments are:

This is an important book.  Don’t be misled by the casually graceful repartee and lightness of touch. Without dogma, without heavy shoulds and should nots, Gary and Rich point towards something eternal, framed in our 21st century understanding of neuroscience, spirituality and … something that arises from, and returns to, the Stillness and the Silence. They offer practical investigation and guidance towards “the sweetest, fullest, most loving, caring, and manifesting experience that anyone could ever wish for.”

These chapter headings include: “Using dialogue for awakening,” “Can you 'do nothing' and awaken?”, “Why do we fear emptiness, silence and stillness?”, “Functioning without thoughts: sex, psychedelics and non-duality.”

Rich Doyle
Into the Stillness is available through Non-Duality Press and from Amazon in both hardcopy and e-book (Kindle) versions.   Both sources give chapter listings.  As with all of my work, my share of any net profits goes to benefit handicapped kids in south India. 


  1. Super contribution to enhancing practice. Am travelling till august so was hoping a kindle edition would manifest...and it has. Purchased today and cracked open on sunny Herenstraat, Amsterdam cradling a lovely Italian sorbet, ready for gentle rifling (the book, not the sorbet.....oh, ok both). Thank you Rich and Gary for continually fueling persistence.

    1. Hi Glenn. Great that you're having a great Italian sorbet in one of my favorite cities. i don't know if you've been to the fairly recently remodeled Rikjsmuseum, or if you're an art lover, but it's well worth the time. If you find the book useful, a review on amazon would be much appreciated. stillness, more Italian sorbets, and safe travel...

    2. Sorbets in abundance; the universe seems to approve, tactically placing outlets with synchronous glee. And yes, art is at the centre of things and ime a perfect expression of form arising out of space. I have spent a life in quiet awe of this gentle deepening.

      With today's excursion indeed being Rikjsmuseum, I found my journey of thirty minutes by foot doubled by an internal GPS biased towards disorientation. Reorienting in a lovely cafe for a house salad, 750ml bottle of San Pellegrino, yogurt shake and medicinal latte I read the chapter titled, "Can Inward Revolution Change Sustainability" musing on the line "Oh yes, saw this great painting at the Met yesterday, whatever it was" (interestingly, I just inadvertently(??) wrote -since corrected-, "I was that great painting at the Met yesterday", haha).

      Stumbling on Dutch Masters, wonderful parkland, elegant flow of form, it was enough to gentle in the grounds and feel sweetly abundant.

      Review? Most certainly. I will post on Amazon soonow. Your work has been the sharpest, secular articulation of this great mystery I have encountered. And equally loved is your invocation of the divine as that which responds, in ever sweeter embrace, to our surrender.

      Now, on to Paris!

  2. Nice work Rich and Gary! I have not read the book yet, but have been following your dialogues for some time. There's a certain gentleness, and a kind pointer and reminder to discovering the stillness DIY style, and you guys seems to have a lot of fun at the same time, which is contagious. The thought manifested in my brain that this book might be akin to a modern day version of Nisargadatta's "I Am That". Grateful to Life for dancing as the work of Rich and Gary.

    1. Hi Guillaume. Thanks for the feedback. As you get into the book, your comments would be great to hear. Others are starting to describe it as a "modern day version of 'I Am That'", which is high praise as that book has been so valuable to so many, myself included. my copy of "I Am That" is dog-eared, underlined, highlighted, duct-taped, etc. Comments on amazon are also welcomed. stillness

    2. Ha, yes I can relate for my copy of "I Am That", the cover had been torn, and had the look of a very well used book. Interestingly after about 18 months of it in my life, it vanished, lost it, haven't a clue where it went. Kind regards.

    3. Ha, yes I can relate with my copy as well. The cover had come off, and had a well worn look. Interestingly, after being with it 18 month, the book vanished, I lost it, with absolutely no idea where it went.

  3. I just finished your book today. ( What a spectacular ending by Swami Blahblahananda!) Despite not understanding some of the intellectual dialogue, I was still able to experience the core teaching, many times. This will be a great reference book to guide me out of me. Thank you to all involved. :)

    1. Hi Lou. Great that you found the book to be so useful.

      The "spectacular ending by Swami Blahblahananda" was all Rich's writing, of course really coming out of "nowhere". we had been throwing that name around for a while, and then this piece manifested. we were considering it as the "intro" to the book, but then it didn't feel quite right, so attached it as the ending. Then the idea manifested to use dialogues to introduce the book, which worked well.

      It is turning out in what we've heard so far that it will be a very useful reference book, and one to open just to any page and get something unexpected and "right". Everyone who was involved with it saw something special manifesting. Appreciate an amazon review if you have the time.


    2. I kind of like Swami Bananananda myself ;')

    3. Hi cybervigilante. Yes, they are brother swamis, Bananananda and finds the bliss in bananas, the other in blah, blah. They were last seen on the banks of the Ganges, or was it in Key West, falling down laughing at the absurdity of it all...


    4. could not find kindle version on amazon- no longer available?


    5. Hi Steve, Thanks for the heads-up. i hadn't noticed it. The original publisher, NonDuality Press (NDP), from near London whose principals/friends of ours are being retained, was acquired by New Harbinger Press (NHP) in San Francisco at September/October.

      Because of your feedback, i wrote to Julian, the NDP publisher, and here's what he said:

      "Hi Gary

      I have closed my Amazon accounts and other distribution outlets hence the hiatus with paperback and ebook availability. New Harbinger are on the case and will be making everything available again via their own accounts but it may take a few weeks. We are in a transition phase, hopefully everything will be sorted by the end of this month.

      If you do receive any more comments about availability you are welcome to give people this email and suggest they contact NH directly, it might help speed things up a little:

      Best, Julian"

      In an earlier e-mail, Julian told us that "The New Harbinger sales team presented a selection of our backlist titles to Barnes and Noble in New York last month and "Into the Stillness" was selected by B&N for their stock." This is very good news for "Into the Stillness".

      Thanks again for the feedback and i would encourage folk to contact New Harbinger directly at:

