Saturday, April 6, 2013

Working in a "big job" w/family, w/o thoughts - Dialogue with Dominic

This is the fourth, and likely final chapter in the series of Dialogues with Dominic on Do It Yourself (DIY) Awakening.  Dominic has a 50 hr/wk "big" supervisory job, a new baby and 3 years of on/off meditation;  we have worked together for about 14 months.   

The other chapters covered; a) the period up to awakening - "Dialogues w/Dominic...DIY nondual awakening w/job, family...",  b) awakening - "DIY nondual awakening w/big job, family, 3 yrs on/off practice", and c) the month after - "nondual awakening experiences - Dominic DIY dialogues".  This post covers the next month and shows the deepening of nondual awakening and working w/o thoughts in a "big job" and with a wife and baby.  


Dominic.  Experienced a break-through observation in the workplace that you may have experienced.

So the other day my boss was out of the office, and we experienced what can be a catastrophe...

Afterwards when i met w/my's just funny to me, observing and not judging, but witnessing this reaction from "my" boss.
Speaking with the boss

So far practicing inquiry has been the best thing for me.

Even when i speak to the CEO, there is not as much fear as there was before.  i look them in the eyes and talk to them like anyone else.  Present for the conversation. 

G.  Yes, w/o that fear, one can speak directly and honestly, "present for the conversation".  Be fully present, however, for the reaction of others who have seen you in a different way "before" in their relationships w/you, whether it is direct bosses, 1 over 1 bosses, CEOs, wives, parents, etc.  

As much as you may be fearless in speaking directly to them from your clarity and emptiness, they may have a difficult time adapting to the change, particularly long-term supervisors, peers, or wife.  W/your increased clarity you can watch this unfold clearly, and react responsively and effectively, as you are moved to.  The courage that manifests w/your understanding and the falling away of much personal fear may have implications for others who will feel threatened by it.     

This is a natural reaction that develops when one awakens; remember that the others in your life haven't and they don't understand it.   

The Moment...

D.  Tired.  Feel anxiety in the stomach.   Feels like lucid dreaming.   Awakening to the reality of the dream has profound effects.  

There is just this, and this, and that, and that, and that.  Every moment is new, fresh, no past, no future, just the moment. Then the next moment. The timeless moment. How cool is that? It is so cool. Nothing to think about when this is it.

Deep in it tonight...

D.  Everything truly does dissolve when there is no one to take claim or credit.

Every idea, thought, opinion, feeling, sensation, worry, concern.  It all disappears. 

There seems to be expanding space between wants and desires.   Attachment is still present at times but slowly dissolving.  What's left is this truly, completely, nothing, emptiness.  But this emptiness has a beauty to it that cannot be expressed.  It is love to its fullest extent. 

This realization makes me cry. Overwhelmingly, perfect. What we thought was misery is actually perfection. Often times thought about what will be left when there is no body. If the self never goes anywhere where is the self. Where am i?

Getting lost and deep in this stuff, man.  Losing my grip a little bit.  
Angry that it's not what i thought it was.  I know who is typing though and i know who is angry so it doesn't stick like it used to. 

Why has it taken so long to be real with someone?


D.  BTW, work experience seems to be improving dramatically.  Everyday, amazement happens. 

Nonresistance to anything that occurs has created extreme enjoyment in simple tasks.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.  So very shocked that functioning happens.  Watch collective workplace egos collide.  Everyday is an awesome adventure.  Feel so grateful for this. 

Going beyond thinking is amazing when it happens.  IME, the last thing that will be let go is the thought that this is right. The right path.  

As soon as you or i say we know what is right, it isn't right.

We don't know anything. In that the beauty lies.


D.  Feels good knowing that there is not a choice. . .makes things much easier.

Realization that "my" hand is not my hand.  I can perceive the hand so it can't be me.  I can perceive the thoughts so they aren't me either. . .who am I? 

If I asked that question would there be a response?   Don't seem to ever get one. . .no answer. . .for this moment in life I am OK with that. 

Those questions occurred as a young child often. 

Moments of seeing through personalities, grievances, judgments, attitudes, and
looking at "others" with much compassion.  Strange how that has worked.

Feel the struggle of others and help by just being there without the mental agenda.  Enjoy looking right in peoples' eyes during communication.  Seems to bring a deeper sense of connection.  Like I am looking to the core of their being.
Is this heaven on earth?

No thoughts or even just much less thoughts about me, my, I, seem to make this amazing.


Happy at this moment.


D.  As soon as we think we're right, we're wrong.

As soon as we think. We're wrong.

As soon as we think

As soon as


Noticed Something

D.  The mind always comes to conclusions, and it always knows it is right, even when there is no "proof" or direct experience to support it.  When observed further, the thoughts are usually consisting of I, me, or my. 

Pretty cool stuff. Simple yet often not recognized.

Seriously this is funny stuff

D.  The voice of "my" mind:  

"Seriously? You expect me to let go of the idea of me?  Are you kidding?  How dare you?

What a foolish thing to do.  Moron.  How could you live without me? You need me."

Hahahahahaha!!!  Thoughts that ego creates.  Pretty funny.  An idea, thought, perception believed and then manifested.  Awesome and crazy.

Last Thing

D.  Thank you for pointing me in the direction.  I have no more questions.  I also have no answers. 

Time to just be me.  Living life now.   Saved as some would say.  Reborn.  Or died.  Who knows.  

Thank you.


D.  Been shown enough examples to not question much anymore.  Several examples where you and I were thinking the exact same thing.   Many times I would be thinking of you and moments later the cell phone would blink with an email from you. 

Some may call them "coincidences".   Moments of simple reminders that can be overlooked.

We can say "goodbye" or "so long".  But we know it's out of "our" control anyhow.
Trusting in the fact that you and I are much closer than it appears.  Much closer. Happy to know this.

G.  you will find serendipities occurring w/more "solidity", certainty and frequency.  As "you" become less and less concrete, there is more availability and accessibility to the frequencies of others, particularly those aligned w/yours.  At the same time, you will find yourself being more and more aligned w/the Universe.

A Natural

D.  Things become much more aligned when we act naturally.   As you have put it, there is just this, and this, and this.  Realizing there is nothing to realize moment after moment is the gift.  The gift of life, freedom, serenity.

The most amazing part is that there are no mistakes, no sins, no pain, no lust, no hate.  Truth is heaven in every moment which is nothing more than eternal.  All was lost and now it is found.  Grace.  How sweet it is.  Really. How sweet it is.

As soon as there is divergence from Truth there is divergence from life, the universe, etc.   
Sometimes the greater the clouds prior to sight - the greater the vision afterwards

Smiling Gary.
Always cool emailing with you.

G.  Yes, folk miss the enormous "upside" of just living in the "now", in the "just this, and this and this".  Once it is fully experienced and lived in/with, one wonders how they ever found it acceptable to live the way they did before.   Folk just don't know that there is something this good that is possible and that it is right here, right now.   All we have to do is get out of the way and recognize that "we" are not now, nor ever were, in control and that whatever happens is "perfect" just as it is.  

D.  Having so much fun with life now.   Still clinging every now and then.   Still surrendering, but overall there is just this and this and this. . .

Letting thoughts rule is insane.

Struggle with wanting to help my wife see.  And, then, "who am I?"   It then goes away, just as it occurred.

So very happy.

G.  One sees others suffering, even those "closest" to us, and wants to relive their suffering, but that too, is out of our control.  IME, the clearer and more present one becomes, the more possible it is for some deep understanding to unfold in unexpected and amazing ways.  

The great lesson from those closest to us is to see where we are still attached, where we are still  holding on.   i found that as i let go of any attachment to any particular outcome, "situation" or "problem", then the Truth emerged in holistic and healing ways.

The answer is always the same, just "let go, let go, let go".

D.  These good feelings are not stopping.  And nice things continue to occur. Stuff that was considered "bad"  or wrong is no longer.

Not so hard with a little dedication and persistence.  Often times that word "persistence" was used when guiding the path.  Absolutely essential.  

Starting to really feel the self.  The man behind the curtain is showing his face. 

Disorientation is happening lately. The dissolution of time.

Letting go of the body has been certainly a trip. 
Dominic -
back seat driving

Went to work today as the "backseat driver" which occurs more often.  Spent an entire day not having many thoughts. No one noticed or cared.  Too worried about their "I" maybe.  Maybe not.  Who knows? 

What is known is that an 8 hour day without thoughts happens without strain. 

BTW, there are several youTube videos up now on "Do It Yourself" (DIY) non-dual awakening:  a) "Nondual awakening meditation - Where am I?", b) "Using simple chants for nondual awakening", c) "Using yoga posture flows for nondual awakening, and d) "What types and patterns of thoughts do you have?   What can be done w/them?".  These should be useful resources for your personal practices.

BTW 2, all of the Dialogues with Dominic are in Dominic's new book "Dialogues with Dominic: A Chronicle of Inquiry and Awakening" along with dialogues that occurred after the posts, and dialogues of Dominic with the editor of the book, who i have also worked with for some time.

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