Saturday, May 11, 2013

nondual awakening and autism...the battle of the "blah, blah" and "tasking" networks..

Q.  Hi Gary,  i study nonduality and have a young son who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), particularly for delays in his speaking.  

I saw you on YouTube speaking on using fMRI and EEG to detect the brain activity that leads to Selfing.  (See videos "No Thoughts, No Time - Part I".) Could my son's brain be studied to understand if those tools could give an insight into understanding the source of autism?   I am not sure if this makes sense, but a thought came across that you will be the right person for me to get in touch with on this issue from a perspective on non-duality.  

G.  Great to hear from you.  i have a relative who also may have ASD.
Yijuan Liu
fMRI imaging lab
U of Florida

As far as fMRI and EEG research on autism, there is much  being done in this area.  In most major cities there are facilities specializing in ASD.  In San Diego, there is a program at UC San Diego School of Medicine.  In San Francisco, at UC San Francisco there is the Autism and Neurodevelopment Program.  In the NYC region there is GRASP.  In Chicago, there is the Autism Resource Center.  In Dallas there is the Callier Center for ASD.

Q.  My husband and I have no issues in getting an MRI or EEG done at one of the institutions.  My interest is in studying the images from a non-dualistic perspective on how the child perceives the world vs just a disorder, just as how you studied the Selfing process through images. 

Mingzhou Ding
U of Florida
G.  As the Universe would have it, there is a excellent new paper in the Journal of Neuroscience, "Top-Down Regulation of Default Model Activity in Spatial Visual Attention", by Xiaotong Wen, Yijun Liu, Li Yao,and Mingzhou Ding from the Univ of Florida, Peking University, Beijing Normal University and Univ of Florida, respectively, which gives some new understanding on how the default mode network (DMN), the "selfing network", operates and how that might pertain to ASD, and other attention-deficit disorders.    

As discussed in earlier blogs ("What is the Default Mode Network?..."), there are two major networks, a) the "task positive, or task control network" (TCN) which initiates and maintains task level control, selects motor responses to stimuli, and suppresses irrelevant distracting information, and b) the default mode network (DMN) which is responsible for our sense of "self and other" and "self in time" (Is "time" all in the mind?...), self-reflection and related emotions and is the core of the "blah, blah" self-referential narrative.  

The DMN typically is activated when folk are not doing a task.  Deenergizing the DMN with either long-term meditation or with psychedelics (esp. psilocybinhas been demonstrated in studies in leading journals to produce the classical mystical experiences of "all is One" and living "now, now, now".  (See "Persistent meditative states - how? psychedelics - how?...", "Seeing everything as 'One'?  What is 'mystical'? What is really 'real'?...", and "the latest psychedelic research...").
Long Term Meditators Shut Down PCC
and Activate ACC and LPFC
Even When NOT Meditating 

The work of Brewer, et al. @ Yale (See "Folk Who Meditate Decrease Mind Wandering") in which i have been a subject and collaborator, showed that the DMN could be deactivated in long term meditators, whether they were meditating or not, which is my experience.  

Brewer, et al. also found that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) shown @ left, were apparently "up activated" in long term meditators when the DMN was shut down, apparently as a "monitoring and control" network.  However, Brewer et al. showed only a correlation, not causation between these two regions and their presumed linkage/effect.  The old adage is that "correlation does not prove causation", i.e. things can happen at the same time but may be unrelated.

The current Wen, et al., paper described above moves that correlation into causation.  These scientists used fMRI and biostatistical methods, particularly the Granger causality technique, in their work.  The Granger technique makes it possible to examine how one variable affects another variable, in this case, how the TCN and DMN might influence each other by looking at the different directions of their interactions and their impacts.  

As one of the authors, Ding, said, "We knew that the default mode network decreases in activity when a task is being performed, but we didn’t know why or how.  We also wanted to know what is driving that activity decrease.  For a long time, the questions we are asking could not be answered.”

cross slice

longitudinal slice
In Wen, et al., the TCN was represented by the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and the left and right anterior insula (AI).  The DMN was represented by the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), and (not shown) left and right inferior parietal lobe (IPL), and lateral temporal cortex; the main focus was on the PCC and MPFC.

This study examined the fMRI scans of folk who were performing a visual task requiring concentration, and when they were not.  They then looked at how successful they were in performing that task and how that correlated to what regions of the brain were active.  

Increased accuracy and response
when TCN suppresses DMN

“People have hypothesized different functions for signals going in different directions,” Ding says. “We show that when the task control network (TCN) suppresses the default mode network (DMN), the person can do the task better and faster. The better the default mode network (DMN) is shut down, the better a person performs.”
Decreased accuracy and response
when DMN interferes w/TCN

The study also showed that when the DMN is not sufficiently suppressed, it distracts and interferes with the TCN by sending it signals; this causes performance to drop.  This demonstrates that, as Ding says, "Your brain is a constant seesaw back and forth.” 

The Granger causality technique is helping researchers understand how neurological disorders operate.  The DMN has been found to remain unchanged in folk with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) whether they are performing a task or not, which as we have seen, is not how it operates in most folk.  These confusing signals from the DMN to the TCN , as shown above in the graph above, could explain symptoms such as difficulty reading social cues or being easily overwhelmed by sensory stimulation. Similar findings have been observed with depression and mild cognitive impairment.

Behavior enhancing and
Behavior degrading actions
The Granger causality technique may be useful in unravelling many causative linkages between brain centers, in everything from meditation and  psychedelics to how different psychopathologies manifest, develop and operate.

This work makes clearer what may be happening with longer meditation times as the DMN is "shut down" and maintained that way with a "monitoring and control" network while a new network comprised of an expanded version of this paper's TCN is stabilized and maintained as the "new normal" replacement, default operating system.  

It does appear, IME, that with increased numbers and duration of events of the "new normal" state, i.e. stillness and "now, now, now" replacing confusion, anxiety and suffering, that the brain, which "prefers" this "new normal", is able to refine and improve the replacement network.  This new network/operating system becomes less "noisy", more stable, and natural in the sense that it doesn't require a "doer" w/a technique to keep it "in place".  The "new normal" operating system has as a key feature the persistent loss of the self-referential narrative, and w/it, the loss of self-referential fears and desires.


  1. TCN! TCN! TCN!

    A very useful and clarifying post on why it feels so much better in the "now, now, now" space, and why more effective and quality "work" gets "done, done, done" even though there is hardly any "doer, doer, doer." Now it would seem time for a study that follows up Brewer et. al's treatment of meditation with a similar study focused on self inquiry. Whenever it occurs, we can be sure that it will be done most effectively by the TCN.

    It also interesting to notice how learning this data helps self inquiry practice. It feels like one can observe the seesaw and feel the difference of the TCN with more accuity once the data is known.

    Thanks as always.

  2. Well, I am a late comer to this blog....(like about 3 years!!) I have a niece that is autistic, and am wondering if there is any research being done on how a person with autism might work on shutting down the DMN. (She is now 19 years old) Has there been any research on working with some form of meditation. for example, to alter their "state of mind"? With their "hyper-busy" mind, and the research showing that their DMN doesn't slow down (much) when they are tasking.... I just wonder if there is any methods being researched to work with that?

    1. Hi g stewart. i am not aware of any specific, peer-reviewed, published studies on using meditation to help with autism.

      It would first be important to know where your niece is "on the spectrum". As i have relatives who were diagnosed as being "autistic", i know it is important to establish exactly where she is. The greatly expanded definition of autism that emerged from the psychologists' DSM V, includes many conditions that weren't earlier included.

      i would suggest that you contact me @ my email address, shown under "About" on the website,, and we can discuss some possible approaches. It is important to respect her privacy, and with the HIPAA guidelines we really shouldn't discuss it in a public forum.


  3. "The Granger causality technique is helping researchers understand how neurological disorders operate. The DMN has been found to remain unchanged in folk with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) whether they are performing a task or not, which as we have seen, is not how it operates in most folk. These confusing signals from the DMN to the TCN , as shown above in the graph above, could explain symptoms such as difficulty reading social cues or being easily overwhelmed by sensory stimulation. Similar findings have been observed with depression and mild cognitive impairment".

    Hi Gary, I am a 35 y/o woman on the high functioning end of the spectrum and your statement here hits home very hard. I know all too well what this experience feels like. Furthermore I recall some studies I read about last year (I can go and look them up if you want the specific references), where researchers found that the brain of autistic patients made something like ~42% more "noise" in its resting state than controls.

    Could this also be related to the incessant DMN and increased number of synaptic connections that weren't properly pruned during development? If so, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    I realise that there are many glaring holes in my research on the topic - I only just discovered I had Asperger's Syndrome last year, and it's provided me with an unprecedented level of insight into my difficulties over a lifetime. Now I am seeking a solution, and a release from this torment.

    Having practiced The Power of NOW and reading tonnes and tonnes of self-help books I found that just listening/watching/reading about these states was more pleasurable, rewarding and got me into a state of flow, rather than actually practicing the meditations themselves. I know that my task focus and performance level comes right up when I have an input of information to receive and digest. It's a bit like a learning addiction. When I'm not learning or manipulating information (my stims are intellectual and invisible) then I just revert to the default mode and I'm forever tormented by the boredom of hearing the same blah blah blah depressing monologue over and over every second of my entire life!!! It really does make me feel suicidal and so I use learning and logical analysis as an escape mechanism - I have found it to be the most downstream of processes and causes me the least physical and psychological pain, but does not give much for the output or effectiveness in the physical world.

    Hoping to find that LASTING sense of inner stillness very soon indeed, so I can escape my own mental prison and enjoy life.

    Your thoughts and feedback appreciated.


  4. I forgot to check the "notify me" box in my previous comment, so I'm writing this here so you can reply to this one!

    1. Hi Smarty Pants,

      As i have a family member who has been diagnosed with Asperger's for several years, i do understand your situation, albeit second hand. Since Asperger's has been moved into the Autism Spectrum Disorders category recently in DSM 5, likely to make it easier to get insurance reimbursements for treating it, there is a lot of cloudiness around specifically what it is.

      The primary indicators are classically difficulties in social interactions, repetitive patterns, and lacking nonverbal communication skills, which are clearly evident in my family member's case. Are you also experiencing these?

      As you cite a study on "autistic patients" that identified higher levels of brain noise, are you certain these were Asperger's patients? Given the new classification the distinction is an important one.

      Much of what you describe sounds like ADHD, rather than Asperger's, and i have a another relative with that, but i'm not a specialist in the field, so i could be mistaken.

      Whatever the classification, your case of an overactive DMN, which you are solving by engaging the Tasking Network, is arguably the standard approach that most "knowledge workers" use, which may even be why they are "knowledge workers".

      your description of this as a "learning addiction" is a very accurate one, IME, as it is a very powerful, and effective coping mechanism, and is often rewarded. There is even an effort in some high-tech industries to hire Asperger's folk specifically as they are generally very intelligent and work very hard, a.k.a. like an addiction.

      The non-pharmaceutical remedy for the overactive DMN is to just do this work. Do the self inquiry described in the blogpost "What is the 'Direct Path'? What is 'self inquiry?" @ and letting go of your attachments as described in "letting go of your attachments to awaken...why/how/when" @

      It is also important to recognize that there are different kinds of thoughts and the brain can handle them differently. The video "What 'no thoughts' means...3 different kinds of thoughts" @ goes through this.

      Finally, it is important to recognize that you aren't your Aspergers, or whatever. That is a functional challenge that the brain/body has, but you aren't your brain/body as you can stand back and watch the dysfunction manifest. If you can "objectify" something, you can't be it. The contents of your consciousness and maladies of your body are constantly changing...look for what it is that isn't changing. That is what you truly are. you might find the guided meditation video "letting go, acceptance, surrender" @ useful.

      Trust this is useful, if lengthy.

